Wine in a web

by Jean Noren
Wine in a web
Jean Noren
Photograph - Photograph
A dewey spider web hangs over a ripe cluster of pinot noir grapes, just before harvest. This image graced the back of the Oregon Blue Book for 2009-2011. Photo by Jean Noren taken at her vineyard in Gaston, Oregon.
March 30th, 2012
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Comments (21)

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations your creative and unique art work is featured in the "Out Of The Ordinary" group!

Randy Rosenberger
As administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group, it is with pride and honor that I choose to feature this beautiful piece of your artwork on our homepage! Works of this stature and beauty are very deserving of special recognition, which you are receiving within our family of friends and fine artists in the WFS group. Congratulations on your feature on our homepage. You are very deserving of this honor. Liked Forever, Elvis Randy B. Rosenberger