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Bashful Dahlia Photograph by Jean Noren

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Comments (20)

Ann Jacobson

Ann Jacobson


Doug Long

Doug Long

Beautiful closeup!..........v/f

WB Johnston

WB Johnston

Beautiful shot. v

Deena Stoddard

Deena Stoddard

This is absolutely beautiful! v/f

Kandy Hurley

Kandy Hurley

Beautifully composed...v

Sotiris Filippou

Sotiris Filippou

Beautiful work on the closeup my friend ! v/f 19

Nikolyn McDonald

Nikolyn McDonald

Stunning detail in this floral close-up. v18

K Hines

K Hines


Bener Kavukcuoglu

Bener Kavukcuoglu

beautiful, voted

Jean Noren replied:

Thank you Bener



Jean, Fantastic floral photo love the various colors and the sharpness to this terrific photo, excellent capture, fav, voted and google promoted

Jean Noren replied:

Thanks John I appreciate it.

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

beautiful work! v

Jean Noren replied:

Thanks Joan.

Kristine Merc

Kristine Merc

Beautiful!!! Love the composition, lighting, framing, and texture! V

Jean Noren replied:

Thanks Kristine!

Jacqueline Athmann

Jacqueline Athmann

Congratulations! Your photo has been featured on the Flowers Up Close group homepage! Wonderful work! f/v

Carole-Anne Fooks

Carole-Anne Fooks

Lovely detail....v

Lisa Knechtel

Lisa Knechtel

Great title. Lovely composition. v

Marty Fancy

Marty Fancy

Love the depth and color!

Karen Wiles

Karen Wiles


Melissa Peterson

Melissa Peterson


SophiaArt Gallery

SophiaArt Gallery

Very lovely! v3

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Bashful Dahlia by Jean Noren
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