Barred Owl Peering

by Jean Noren
Barred Owl Peering
Jean Noren
Photograph - Photograph
How cute is this? A barred owl looking down to get a better look at me and wonder why I am disturbing his midday sleep.
May 18th, 2015
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Comments (10)

Donna Kennedy
Fabulous shot Jean, Congratulations on your Highlighted Artist Feature of the Week in WFS!....L

Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations for being one of our present SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTED ARTISTS, as you are very deserving of this special honor. Check it out on top of the Homepage of our site. It surely is a true honor to FEATURE THIS BEAUTY ON OUR HOMEPAGE! Your talents and love for art are surely dominant in this beautiful piece of outstanding art work! Thanks so very much for sharing, so we may enjoy and adore the beauty within! LIKED AND FAVED Randy B. Rosenberger (admin of WFS group) http://fineartamerica.com/groups/wisconsin-flowers-and-scenery.html

Dawn Currie
Jean, Congratulations on your feature in Pure Nature Photography - celebrating the best of our natural world!