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Bandon Beach Sunset Photograph by Jean Noren

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Comments (13)

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Jean – your stunning scene has been selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Sunrises/Sunsets in Nature photo contest! It has been placed in the Special Recognition thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Toni Hopper

Toni Hopper

Congratulations! Your photograph has earned a home page feature in Women Photographers for Aug. 7, 2019. You are welcome to archive it in the August Features discussion and in other discussions in our group where it might belong. Thanks for being an active member and submitting such a great image!

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Beautiful artwork, Jean! Outstanding capture! Voted f/l

Fiona Kennard

Fiona Kennard

Beautiful.....Congrats on your sale!

Brian Caldwell

Brian Caldwell

Beautiful shot! Congratulations on the sale!

Brenda Donko

Brenda Donko

Nice capture Jean.

Webb Canepa

Webb Canepa

A truly beautiful shot Jean.

Mitch Shindelbower

Mitch Shindelbower

Wow very beautiful !! l/f

Kathleen Sartoris

Kathleen Sartoris

Congrats on your contest win. Gorgeous work. l/v/f

Pamela Blizzard

Pamela Blizzard

congratulations Jean! Beautiful!! tweeted

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Congratulations, Jean, for winning in this year's big contest in the Vast Cosmos group with this image. It is awesome!

Shasta Eone

Shasta Eone

Beautiful color and silhuettes fav / v 4

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Bandon Beach Sunset by Jean Noren
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