Adorable Bluebird Baby Duo

by Jean Noren
Adorable Bluebird Baby Duo
Jean Noren
Photograph - Photograph
What could be cuter than two young western bluebirds, looking coy. Actually, they are looking at the worms under this log, but it makes for better dialog to give them human characteristics.
July 16th, 2020
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Comments (5)

Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet

Randy Rosenberger
This piece of fine artwork has earned the honor of being chosen to show off to other artists and prospective buyers here in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. It is an honor to share this piece of well composed and beautiful art on our Featured section of our homepage. Thanks much for sharing! Liked and Faved Randy B. Rosenberger (administrator of the WFS group)