Jewel Tones #1
by Jean Noren
Jewel Tones #1
Jean Noren
Photograph - Photograph
Pinot Noir grapes in our vineyard near Gaston, Oregon. The grapes will eventually all be a dark purple but each grape has its own idea about when to start changing color.
September 23rd, 2012
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Comments (65)
Karen Cook
Beautiful jewel box of colors. Your title is spot on. Love the play of lighting and shadows on these grapes.
Amanda Collins
Beautiful capture! The lighting highlights the hues very well in each of the grapes. Love it! v
Terri Harper
Wow, I've never seen grapes with this many colors! No wonder Pinor Noir wine is so good...LOL! V and Fave
Robert Bales
Such excellent work and great composition and the use of the light to make the image really stand out!! v/f/t